About Our Production

We currently have four production bases in our home of India. 

Our main production takes place in Noida in a mother daughter run fair trade unit producing beautiful natural fabrics and sourcing the best khadis around India. 

Our knitwear is currently produced by the Van Gujjar tribe of Northern India. This is a nomadic age old tribe of buffalo herders found in the Himalayas. They migrate with the weather, they live to nurture and raise their buffalo with the love and care usually saved for family members. They perhaps are the most self sufficient and environmentally friendly clan one could hope to still find in the world, but as their routes are subjected to destruction from industrial threats, they need outside help to maintain their way of life. With a new focus on educating their boys and girls, we use their skills in natural cotton knitting and dying to help fund their new endeavour. 

Our silk dresses are made by Tibetan refugees in McCleod Ganj of Himachal Pradesh, and directly supports displaced families. 

And finally, our production unit in Goa, on the beach sit Roopa with her jolly husband, who stitches our one of a kind pieces for flower girls, page boys and fancy dress.